how to prevent flies from entering your home

How To Prevent Flies From Entering Your Home

Many guidelines are there for anyone who wants to keep off flies away from his or her home. Following the fact that flies spread germs, they normally cause annoyance to many due to the fact that they are a health hazard. If given time, flies can breed, land on food and also cause bacterial diseases in the home. By keeping them out of the home, one would find it very easy to control the population of the flies. In order to realize this, the following are some of the guidelines to follow for effective fly control.

Since it is in the house that the flies feel attracted by the nice scent of the food, doors should always be shut and this is a common practice that even the children must be trained to carry out all the time. In the same line with the doors, windows should equally be closed, and for the good of aeration, homeowners should always endeavour and see to it that their windows are installed with screens and some wire mesh, to allow in light, but deter flies from entering the house.

The next point that will help keep off flies from home is simply hanging plants which are known for repelling flies. Such plants include basil and Lavender among other popular choices. These must of course be hung beside the windows.

The next important tip is keeping both the inner and the outer sides of the home clean. For instance, one should maintain cleaning up leftover foods, maintain the cleanliness of both pet cages and litter boxes, always pick up pet droppings besides desisting from the habit of leaving the garbage outdoors. In addition to this, standing water either on the doorways, inside the house/home and/or outdoors should be gotten rid of completely through draining or drying.

Last, but not least, the use of fly traps can also help get rid of or regulate the flies in the home. In the market, such fly traps and sticky strips are available and one could easily buy them at a negotiated and affordable price.