the best natural raccoon repellents

The Best Natural Raccoon Repellents

Raccoons can live on the unwitting generosity of humans. These nocturnal creatures feed on our garbage, get water from our swimming pools and pet water basin and seek refuge in home decks, crawlspaces and attics. In addition, they can be blamed for killing a chicken, overturning garbage cans, ripping open shades and unwelcome visits into the kitchen through the pet flaps. Repelling or removing raccoons is thus important so to avoid the nuisances and potential health risks.  

They look like bandits and if given the opportunity, they will take anything they want. Since it is not possible to get rid of Raccoons permanently there are ways you can repel them from your area.

5 Best Natural Raccoon Repellents:

One way that you can effectively repel the Raccoons is by using a dog or a cat. The Raccoons are afraid of dogs as well as cats. Any sign of a dog or cat is a “no-go zone” for the raccoons. Either the cat or the dog can be personal or from the commercial exterminator company.

Since the raccoons invade our homes at night, using special light such as the night guard will send them off by scaring and discouraging them. Normal lights have no or little impact on the raccoons since most raccoons in the urban areas have become used to the city lights.

Just like the squirrels, the raccoons do not like pepper. You can get green or red pepper from the grocery and have it grinned and sprinkled around the raccoons’ territory. You may also get processed pepper from the shop and carry out the same procedure of sprinkling. This is a solution that our partner in Hamilton: advises their clients.

The use of ultrasonic sound is another effective way to repel raccoons. This is a special sound that is produced by electrical-powered equipment. The sound produced is unbearable for the raccoons hence making them leave your premises This method is suitable in commercial farms where raccoons invade in huge numbers

If repelling raccoons does not work, you can try trapping them. Set traps around their area of infestation and when they are trapped you can set them free away from your house. Traps are readily available in shops and they come in different sizes and designs depending on your preference based on the size of the targeted raccoon. Keep in mind that wildlife control is not always easy. Contact us if you need the help of a professional.